
How to Decide on a Catchy Wellness Coach Business Name 

You’ve received your health coaching certification, and you’re ready to start seeing clients – but how are you going to decide on what to name your new wellness coaching business?

Deciding what to name your health or wellness coaching business is a huge sticking point for many new coaches.

Yes, your business is so much more than just a name. But not knowing how to introduce yourself, what to write on your business cards, or put on your website prevents many new health coaches from looking for coaching clients.

Since starting Wellpreneur in 2012, I’ve seen thousands of health coaches with various names for their businesses. I’ve seen easy naming decisions and tricky re-brands where their business name actually limited their growing health coaching business!

In this Ultimate Guide to Naming Your Health Coaching Business, I’ll share my own experience and advice, as well as the real-world advice of practicing health coaches.

Types of Wellness Coach Business Names

Let’s start by simplifying. There are really only two types wellness coach business names:

  1. A Business Name
  2. A Personal Brand

For example, a business name is like “Wellpreneur,” the name of my business, and this website. That’s different than my personal brand site, AmandaCook.me which uses my name as the business name.

Some health coaches create a business name, and others use their personal brand to provide health coaching. Both options can work really well! The best name for your business really depends on your plans and goals. Let’s look at the differences between the two approaches.

Choosing a Business Name for Your Health Coaching Business

You might want to choose a business name (something separate from your personal name) for your health coaching business.

This is often the best approach if you want to create a company where you work with other coaches or practitioners.

It’s also a good idea to think ahead. Will you want to sell your business someday? If so, it’ll probably be easier to sell your wellness business if there is a business name that is separate from your personal name (so someone else can take over the business from you).

Here are some examples of health coaches who created a business name:

  • “I thought I was so cute and clever when I named my business Your Best Life Wellness Coaching. I wanted to help people live their best lives through healthy habits. Well, after one year of trying to cram all those words onto collaterals and being mistaken for a life coach constantly, I hated it. I wanted something short and simple. Something catchy that captured my approach. I got a huge dry erase board and started brainstorming words I associated with my coaching practice and started using those to give me new name ideas. I found a few I liked and then started googling to make sure there would be no local conflicts.Two years after I started my business, I finally settled on Well & Simple and did a full rebrand. I love the new name, and I think it captures the essence of my approach perfectly”. Marissa Szabo
  • “The name has evolved. I was keen to create a brand that told a story and could expand as the value props grew. It took me a while, but in the end, I chose Raw Energy, which is now working quite well. The choice came from a process of brainstorming, researching, and seeing what domain names were available – which was an important factor”. – Lawrence Mitchell, Raw Energy
  • “I created my own modality and I wanted it to be easy to understand fast and intriguing/sound like something already in existence. My name is EmotionalBodyMapping.com, and we help people understand the language of their body and heal trauma/tension/disease” – Brook Woolf
  • “I chose the name Eden Rejuvenation Health Coaching because I wanted to bring people back to that new “Eden” of health where the environment was providing health, healing, and wellness rather than medications and other sources. Rejuvenation was chosen as a way to make my client feel healthier and full of vitality.” – Vic Mathew
  • “I empower people to find more HAPPINESS and WELLNESS in their lives… so came up with Happy Well Lifestyle… it says what I do, and makes me happy!” – Heidi Huser Hackler
  • “I was having a conversation with a friend one day who referred to me as a Hippie Dippie Mom because I DIY our lotion and sometimes deodorant, toothpaste, etc. plus removed toxins from our home and we eat well. It was a lightbulb moment that led to the business name.” – Brianne Pruitt


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Use a Personal Brand Name for Your Health Coaching Business

For most new wellness coaches, I recommend using a personal brand (your own name) for your coaching business.

The main benefit is flexibility. I’ve seen over and over again how health coaching businesses evolve. You might think you want to focus on weight loss clients, but then after 2 years, realize that you are ready to move onto working with new mothers.

If you’ve named your business using the term weight loss, then you need to rebrand when you want to shift your market. However, if you use your own name as your business name, you can simply update the content on your website without needing to rebrand.

Here are some health coaches who use their personal brand for their business:

  • “I went back and forth, but, in the end, I decided on my name because I decided it gave me flexibility if I wanted to branch out or change my niche in the future.” -Lyndy Stanway Marsh, LyndyStanwayMarsh.com
  • “I named my coaching business after myself – because it’s very versatile. I know that no matter what direction my business takes and no matter how it evolves over time, I don’t have to keep changing the name to match those changes. Using my name gives me a lot of freedom to offer a variety of services within my business and also helps get my name – my real name – out there!” –Diana Ruiz
  • I struggled for months with my business name. I wanted something funky but not cliched or tacky. I found it really hard, and anything I came up with was already taken. I assumed I couldn’t use my name because I wasn’t well known, and you could only do that when you’re well known.I had been blogging and Instagramming as London Paleo Kitchen (which I had taken over a few years prior), but I was no longer Paleo and hated feeling like a fraud, so my blogging was getting less and less as it didn’t feel sincere.I decided to change to simply Tasha D’Cruz Nutrition but thought I needed some big rebranding event and re-launch, so that held me back for a while. Then one day, I thought ‘sod it’ I’m just changing my Instagram! So, I did. I love using my name – it’s unique and means I am not necessarily tied down to one niche”. -Tasha D’Cruz
  • “I’ve got a pretty fussy and difficult to pronounce first and last name, so I decided to not use it for my company name, which would have been a lot easier. Coming up with Vitality & Food took a lot of brainstorming and checking with others. My advice is to use your actual name if you can, and if not, go with something simple and don’t waste too much time on it”. -Ania Nowicki, Vitality & Food

Other Considerations for Health Coach Business Names

Most of the health coaches we talked with agree that your business name should be memorable and represent your mission and your niche or target market.

  • “I wanted something that encompassed all I set out to do with clients. After writing down tons of possible names and thinking about how I want to serve others, I came up with Be Healthy, Happy & Whole”. – Claudia Petrilli, Claudia Petrilli Health Coaching
  • “The name for my corporate wellness business is Workplace Wellness with Kathryn Matthews. It’s simple, straightforward, and gets right to the point of what I do”. – Kathryn Matthews, The Nourished Epicurean
  • “For about 2 months, I wrote down any names I liked on a sheet of paper. Then I crossed off those that weren’t speaking to me. I narrowed them down to about 20 and then I started researching to see if the name was taken. I got it down to about 5 and let them sit. I started really working on what message I wanted to send. I want people to realize it is in them to make the health changes they need to look and feel better. Inner Savvy Wellness was born”. – Karen Grosz, Inner Savvy Wellness
  • “I did Google searches with different word combos and compared how they ranked and who else had similar-sounding names”. – Maureen Carlomagno, Your Wellness Coach

Get a little help from your friends when naming your health coaching business

The process of choosing the right name for your health coaching business can be long and arduous. But you don’t have to go it alone.

  • “I went through a few names before I eventually settled on my current business name. I worked with a US-based brand strategist when I was 2 years into my business to really look through it and understand what I was doing, and wanted to say to people, and what the message was.

We worked on it for several months, throwing ideas back and forth. It was a collaborative effort. She guided me down the right track to working it through to come up with the right business name”. – Jo Grobbelaar, This Great Life

  • “I found health coaches whom I respected and seemed to practice in the areas where I wanted to practice. I was inspired to create the name as a mash-up of my preferred coaches and feel of my practice”. – Joyce Biese, Interactive Nutrition Group


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naming your health coaching business

Three Important Considerations for Choosing a Health Coaching Business Name

I recommend brainstorming ideas for health coaching business names, and then run them through these three filters:

1. Check the US Trademark Database – is your health coach business name trademarked?

First up, save yourself a headache down the road, and check whether your desired name is already trademarked. In the USA, you’ll want to check TESS (the Trademark Electronic Search System) You’ll also want to check in the country where your business is based (if outside the USA).

If someone has it trademarked, it doesn’t always mean you can’t use it; it depends on their “class of use” – this is all outside my scope of practice so I recommend talking with an attorney about it (or just choose a different name!)

2. Is the Domain Name Available for your desired business name?

You’re going to want a website for your new health coaching business, so check now whether your desired domain name (URL, web address) is available. You can do a quick search at any domain host, like GoDaddy.com. I always recommend buying your name as a domain name if it’s available. You might also want to search for versions of your desired name, such as .com, .net, or a country-specific code.

3. Is your business name easy to pronounce, remember and spell?

This one can be a bit of a bummer if you come up with a creative name or a unique spelling. You want your business name to be easy for people to pronounce, remember, and spell. My first blog was called Vintage Savoir Faire, which I still think is a brilliant name because it totally encapsulates what I did (vintage wisdom).

The problem was that no one could pronounce “savoir-faire” (it’s French, again, perfect for me and my interests! But not good for an English-speaking audience) I’d regularly hear people say, “Oh Amanda has an amazing blog, you should check it out, it’s called Vintage Sav… well, Amanda, why don’t you just say it?” Ugh. Not the easiest way to spread your brand name!

So, take a lesson from my experience and make sure your health coaching business name is easy to pronounce, remember, and spell. (Same goes no matter what language you’re working in – ask people who are in your target market if it’s easy for them to say, spell and remember!)

If your desired business name meets these criteria, then you’re well on your way to having a great business name!

How Did You Choose Your Health Coaching Business Name?

Behind every health coach's business name is a unique story on how that name came to be. What’s your story? Did you settle on using your name? Did you seek advice from a brand strategist? Share with us your story behind your health coaching business name.

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