“Take care of yourself so you can take care of your Family” Amanda Cook
This week we’re revisiting one of our most listened to podcast episodes, and discuss one of the hardest target markets to crack: the Moms and their self-care. In this episode, inspired by the former Nail Your Niche challenge, Amanda exposes the threats of targeting new Moms with your Wellness business and gives you some great ideas on how to approach them.
Precisely, we’re going to explore why this target market is so hard to reach and the huge cultural influences that may be sabotaging wellness entrepreneur sales. If you are developing your niche in this area, this episode is a must-listen.
Tune in and master how to work with Moms, how to help them overcome the struggles with exhaustion, anxiety, poor sleep, weight problems, and stress, by encouraging them to take time for self-care.
What you will hear in this episode:
- How to identify a good target market and your future clients
- Reminiscence of Nail Your Niche challenge
- What are the symptoms that we’re seeing among Moms with low self-care
- Holistic health perspective: The importance of taking care of yourself first
- Cultural influences: The pressure of being a perfect mother
- When is the moment to begin the self-care process
- How does a self-care routine look like?
- Get to know your Moms: Ideal client visualization and Market research interviews
- What is the best way to approach your clients
- What people look for Vs What they need
- The difficulty of selling self-care
Episode Links:
Wellpreneur Marketing Bootcamp